Talks & Presentations
This page contains links and short information on the talks that I have (co-)presented. If available, a link to slides and recording is also provided.
Attended a talk and looking for demo material or thought of a question? Don’t hesitate and ping me on Twitter or reach out via another channel.
Upcoming talks
If you want me to deliver a talk at your user group or conference, feel free to reach out. I’ll be happy to provide you with session proposals.
Past talks
Date | Title | Event | Where | Slides | Recording |
2014-5-28 | Cloud Development with a SaaS of SaaS - A Story of Continuous Improvement | Techorama 2014 | Belgium - Mechelen | download | |
2013-6-20 | NuGet (Anti-) Patterns - Tales from the trenches | Community Day 2013 | Belgium - Mechelen | download | |
2013-1-16 | Organize your chickens: NuGet for the Enterprise | Warm Crocodile Developer Conference | Denmark - Copenhagen | download | |
2013-1-16 | NuGet (Anti-) Patterns - Tales from the trenches | Warm Crocodile Developer Conference | Denmark - Copenhagen | download | |
2012-5-8 | Continuous Integration using TFS11 & NuGet | MSDN Live Webcast | Belgium - Brussels | download | download |
2012-1-21 | Organize your chickens: NuGet for the Enterprise | UgiAlt.NET | Italy - Milan | download | download |
2011-10-11 | Organize your chickens: NuGet for the Enterprise | VISUG | Belgium - Brussels | download | |
2011-10-10 | Organize your chickens: NuGet for the Enterprise | Agile.NET Europe | Belgium - Ghent | download |
Articles & Books
Date | Title | Publisher | Link |
2013-10-7 | Pro NuGet - Second Edition | Apress | Read |
2013-7-30 | An overview of the NuGet ecosystem | Code Project | Read |
2012-11-17 | Top 10 NuGet (Anti-) Patterns | MSDN Magazine | Read |
2012-7-16 | Continuous Integration using NuGet and TeamCity | DeveloperFusion | Read |
2012-3-7 | Pro NuGet | Apress | Read |
Open Source Projects
- ReSharper XML Minify Plug-in: a ReSharper plug-in that allows you to minify XML files without affecting the XML element names and attributes
- NuGet Analyze Commandline Plug-in: allows you to analyze a source control repository (e.g. TFS source control and local Git, SVN, Mercurial clones) and generate a NuGet package dependency matrix
- NuGet Package Explorer ILSpy Plug-in: world’s first plugin for NuGet Package Explorer (NPE), which allows you to double-click on a library in a NuGet package within NPE and launches it in the ILSpy decompiler.
- Silverlight Advanced ToolTips: brings extra functionality to Silverlight’s tooltipservice, such as tooltip open/close animations, custom duration, custom delay, … (also available on the NuGet Gallery)
- VS2010 Image Debugger Visualizer: a Visual Studio add-in/debugvisualizer allowing you to preview image streams during debugging (also available on the Visual Studio Gallery)